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MusicLink Instrument Donation Program

The MusicLink Foundation welcomes donations of new or gently used

instruments from businesses or the community. We are pleased to see

instruments go into children’s homes where they will be used for years of

musical training and development. Our MusicLink network of teachers and

businesses guide this training through lessons, materials, and opportunities.


We are especially in need of touch sensitive electronic keyboards and string

instruments of all types and sizes, but will accept nearly any instrument that is in good

playable condition. Instruments are loaned to children who cannot afford to rent or purchase one

of their own and, after showing commitment to lessons for 4 years, take ownership of

the instrument. In the case of keyboards, the Foundation, when possible, will replace the

keyboard with a donated acoustic piano upon the recommendation of the private instructor.

The piano will then belong to the MusicLink family after the required 4 years of lessons and the

keyboard will be recovered and re-loaned to a new MusicLink student.

Your in-kind donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law and

you will receive a Tax Receipt from the MusicLink Foundation with our

thanks for helping another student realize their dream of having music lessons.

To donate an instrument, please fill out the Instrument Donation Form.

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